The British Fencing Association runs a system of national rankings for fencers in each weapon and a number of Saxons have such rankings. This is a slightly complex system whereby in any designated National Open or International competion, any Fencer finishing in the last 64 or top 3/4 of the field (whichever is less) scores points based on a formula based on the size of the field, the quality of the fencers competing and the fencer's finishing position. The ranking is based on the best six results in the previous 12 months, on a rolling basis (are you following so far?).
Men's Foil
David Standen, although he has slipped back from 162nd to
199th is still the highest ranked Saxon Fencer, after earning recent ranking points at Slough and Hampshire.
Fred Thomas' ranking is slightly handicapped by his only competing in one Open per year. Nonetheless, as he did better at Slough than last year, earning him
263rd place.

Wayil Eisa earned his first ranking points at the Mersyside Open, moving him onto the ranking ladder in the Men's Foil in
415th place. This will improve rapidly as he fences more tournaments.
Edz Maldroom missed out on qualification at Slough and points at Hampshire, both by the narrowist of margins. However after a year of steady improvement including a number of good results, he ranks 261st.
Men's Epee

Saxon's sole representative outside of the foil is
Grant Smith in the Men's Epee. His points at Slough have at least slowed down his plummeting ranking, putting him in
National High School Fencing Blog
Please look this over. We have been contacting high school fencing programs across the country and posting this site on various blogs. It will become a center point of high school fencing as we have plans to develop this into fully operationally web site capable of posting high school results in every state. What this translates into a potential source of new fencers for your club and quite possibly the development and furtherance of high school fencing in your area.
The purpose of this site is to further High School Fencing in the United States. Coaches and High School Administrators are invited to post results and commentary. Fencers and Parents are invited to post commentary, not results. We have received positive feedback from several college coaches with regard to the creation of this blog. This is not a site intended to cause pain or grief, but rather give national prominence to the Athletes and the Sport.
We at Proprintwear are proud of our association with the sport of fencing. Our owner was first a Fencer, secondly a National Referee and now a business owner committed to furthering the image of fencing.
We have added a “Where to Fence” and “Fencing Camp” Sections for advertising fencing clubs and fencing camps. If you like to be posted send us a request. This could be extremely helpful in the recruitment of new fencers.
One of the many challenges facing fencing today is the” unknown”. Up until now, I have been of the opinion that no one individual and/or group has focused in on the area of High School Fencing across the United States. It is our hope that by publishing the various leagues and affiliates that this somehow creates a knowledge base beneficial to the growth of High School Fencing as well as on the national front. On Long Island we have enjoyed High School Fencing for more than 46 years with as many as eleven (11) teams in one county and seven (7) in the neighboring county. For the last several years Long Island has held a Long Island Championship and I am making plans of hosting a State Championship within the next few years.
You will find a short survey at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to contact us with suggested questions at If this site is well received, we shall have a web site constructed to further enhance the development of High School Fencing in the United States.
If possible please provide us with a link to our website using the attached file at and a second link to our High School Fencing Blog at
Philip J. Daly